Funny videos Funny Pranks funny vines New Funny Video Funny videos 2014...
jeudi 28 août 2014
mercredi 27 août 2014
Back Away from the Brownie Prank
Tsk tsk! Hands off the tasty treats, buddy! Didn't you read the sign?...
mardi 26 août 2014
lundi 25 août 2014
There Are So Many Things Wrong With This Wedding. What Is Even Going On?

Your wedding day is supposed to be one of the most perfect days of your life, but not for this couple. What else could go wrong?...

To help you get ready for this weekend’s MTV Video Music Awards show, we thought we’d remind you of just how crazy the VMAs can get…
19. Twerktastic
People still haven’t stopped talking about...
Crocodile scarring >< Yakuza tattoos
Crocodile scarring
If you thought the Yakuza tattoos looked painful (and who could blame you?), you may want to give crocodile scarring a miss. Crocodile scarification is a traditional...
Father and Daughter Beautifully Recreate Wedding Photos of Late Mother
Father and daughter Ben and Olivia lost Olivia's mother, Ali, when Olivia was just one-year-old to a rare form of lung cancer. This November, after two years of being on a "rollercoaster of emotions"...
dimanche 24 août 2014
Kajieme Powell: St Louis police shooting video stirs debate
Police in St Louis released a video of their officers shooting a robbery suspect as he held a knife, but their pledge of transparency has lead to more question...
ISIS cloths
samedi 23 août 2014
vendredi 22 août 2014
ALS Ice Bucket Challenge FAIL Compilation 2014
ice bucket challenge ice bucket challenge tiger woods ice bucket challenge justin timberlake ice bucket challenge golf ice bucket challenge lpga ice bucket challenge fail ice bucket challenge pga...
أتلتيكو يهزم ريال مدريد ويتوج بطلاً للسوبر

توج أتلتيكو مدريد بلقب كأس سوبر اسبانيا 2014 بعد فوزه في لقاب الإياب على ضيفه وجاره ريال مدريد 1-0، ليتفوق بنتيجة 2-1 في مجموع مباراتي الذهاب والإياب.أتلتيكو مدريد كان قد تعادل على ملعب البرنابيو...
Islamic State militants video "beheading " of US reporter
Islamic State militants have released a video purporting to show the beheading of a US journalist.The individual was named by an IS member as James Foley who went missing in Syria nearly two years...
mercredi 20 août 2014
Lebron James Ice Bucket Challenge (LeBron challenges Barack Obama In Ice-Bucket ALS Challenge)
LeBron James Nominates Barack Obama In Ice-Bucket Challenge Lebron James Ice Bucket Challengelebron james Accepts Challenge and Nominate ... Ice Bucket #alsicebucketchallenge.Lebron james ice bucket challenge ALS - king james takes challenge nominate President ObamaLEBRON JAMES DOES ICE BUCKET...
Army tank explosion in Syria
Amateur video purportedly shows Syrian rebels blowing up an army tank with a rocket propelled grenade in the western coastal province of Latakia.…
dimanche 3 août 2014
Gaza : nouvelle frappe contre une école de l'ONU

Au moins dix personnes ont été tuées dimanche lors d'une frappe israélienne sur une école de l'ONU qui servait de centre d'accueil pour quelque 3000 réfugiés à Rafah, selon des sources médicales.
Mort du soldat Goldin et déluge de feu sur Rafah: l'armée israélienne s'explique

L'armée israélienne a-t-elle pilonné Rafah et tué des dizaines de Palestiniens à la recherche d'un soldat porté disparu dans la bande de Gaza alors qu'il était déjà mort ? Elle a tenté de s'expliquer...
vendredi 1 août 2014
مذيع الجزيرة يغسل افيخاى ادرعى: حماس ليست ارهابية والارهابيون هم من يقتلون الاطفال ويقصفون المساجد
مذيع الجزيرة المغربي يغسل افيخاى ادرعى: حماس ليست ارهابية والارهابيون هم من يقتلون الاطفال ويقصفون المساجد